At Rutland Middle School, in British Columbia, Canada, we offer an extensive computer graphics program. Last year I began experimenting with Logomation and found that the students not only enjoyed the program, but began to develop technically correct programming habits. After only three weeks, students with no prior programming experience were utilizing variables, functions with and without parameters, repeat loops, color, and sound. Included in this archive are some sample Logomation programs from one of my grade 8 students, Michael Jacob, who was 13 years old at the time. They are freely distributable, as long as Michael's name is not removed.
This year we are expanding our program to include function recursion and real-time animation in Logomation.
The traditional LOGO programming language, which has been around for decades, is typically viewed as a "beginner" language ideally suited for first time programmers. Although LOGO has a repuation of being easy to learn and non-threatening, it unfortunately tends to be a limited language that is quickly outgrown.
Logomation, which is a "super-set" of the traditional LOGO language, breaths new life into a classic language which has immense educational value. It does not possess the limitations of the original LOGO language and hence is a suitible programming environment for students from middle school, high school, college, and beyond. If you are considering teaching students to program, you should definately consider Logomation.
We all become better educators through sharing. If any educators are interested in teaching Logomation, feel free to contact me. I have many introductory assignments outlined in ClarisWorks format and would be more than happy to share them with you. Additionally, if anyone is using logomation in an educational institution, I would be be grateful if you could send me some information on your program.